Sri Lanka News
Sri Lanka News
About Us

To become the most credible public media machinery in South Asia through effective coordination of public and private media sources to achieve sustainable development of Sri Lanka.


Ensure utmost media contribution for the sustainable development of the nation, through enhancing accountability and transparency in public service within current global trends and protecting the identity and independency of Sri Lankan media sources and directing all media sources in Sri Lanka while ensuring the right of the public to information and to know the vision of the Government.

Functions and Objectives

(*) To disseminate all information material including press releases on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka, Ministries, Departments and other state Institutions to local and foreign media.

(*) To enhance awareness of the general public about the development process of the Government.

(*) To provide information to the general public of the special occasions, events and incidents.

(*) To educate the people through films and audio visuals.

(*) Production of short films and documentary films for public exhibition.

(*) To provide facilities for local film production.

(*) To cross disseminate local news to foreign audiences and foreign news to local audiences in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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