Telecom Services Kiribati Ltd (TSKL) was established in June 1990 as a joint venture company. The Joint venture came to an end on the 31 May 2001 and since then, TSKL has been operating as a company fully owned by the Government of Kiribati.

TSKL Mission Statement and Objectives

Mission Statement
To provide easy and affordable access to a reliable telecommunication services for all I-Kiribati and to continually improve to meet the expectations of our customers.


* Introducing modern or more effective and affordable telecommunications facilities and services into Kiribati
* Bridging the telecommunication gap between the rural and the urban area to a common level
* Continuing to be a progressive, profit-making organization, revenue generator and employment provider for Kiribati
* Provide a viable and sustainable operation in delivering the services
* Explore market penetration for telecommunications services in Kiribati

At present TSKL is the sole national telecommunications provider, and one that endeavors to offer a comprehensive range of services to the people of Kiribati.

TSKL is also part of the wider regional community and actively participates in many of the regional industry groups, including - PITA (Pacific Islands Telecommunication Association), PTC (Pacific Telecommunications Council), APT (Asia Pacific Telecomm unity), ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and UNDP (United Nations Development Program).

Organisational Structure and staffing

Board of Directors
TSKL has its own Board of Directors appointed by the Minister for Communication, Transport and Tourism Development the Hon Temate Ereateiti, who is the Shareholder for the Government of Kiribati. The Board is responsible for setting up policies for the company. Current Board of Directors are

Mr. Elliot Ali - remain - TSKL Chairman
Mrs.Tarsu Murdoch - Deputy Chairman
Mr. Ieronimo Kienene - Director
Mr. Uera Rabaua - Director
Mr. Inatoa Tebania - Director

TSKL is managed by the Senior Management Team (SMT) comprising of the Chief Executive Officer who is also the Company Secretary, the General Manager Network Operations, General Manager Support and Services, the General Manager Information Technology Services, General Manager Finance and Administration and General Manager Projects

1. Mr. Baraniko Tonganibeia - Chief Executive Officer
2. Mr. Aukitino Ioane - General Manager Support and Services
3. Mr. Teannaki Tongaua - General Manager Network Operations
4. Ms Meere Karotu - General Manager Finance and Administration
5. Mr. Turabu Utara - General Manager Projects
6. Mr. Ioteba Buatia - Ag General Manager IT Serivces

Staffing and Divisions
TSKL currently employs 176 fulltime staff, making it one of the largest and most progressive Government owned companies in Kiribati. TSKL is comprised of 12 divisions including Kiritimati Island branch with full time Managers

1. Account
2. Administration
3. Call Centre
4. Complex
5. Earth Station
6. External Plant
7. Human Resource
8. Information Technology
9. Kiritimati Island Branch
10. Radio
11. Sales and Marketing
12. Switching

TSKL and the Kiribati Community
Along with its effort to achieve the above objectives, TSKL has been actively involved with the Kiribati community by way of donations/sponsorships to support national events including its popular annual event during the Kiribati Independence anniversary celebrations, the ǃ?TSKL Battle of the Bands and Karaoke

TSKL, a telecommunication company owned by the people of Kiribati

TSKL, Ana Kambana Te IKiribati
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