The Foreigner - Japan
The Foreigner - Japan
About Us

The Foreigner-Japan Magazine is an award-winning online publication devoted to all things Japanese, as seen through the eyes of foreigners.

Created in 2003, The Foreigner serves as an outlet for new, upcoming, and professional writers and photographers to show their work, while our staff provide positive feedback regarding photographic and interview techniques, style, and overall composition as required or requested.

We accept varied kinds of creative work, including general news reporting, sports, feature writing, opinion columns, and fictional work including poetry and short stories, though we're not limited to these options. We also encourage submissions of photo essays, front page photos, and feature photos accompanied by short articles.

As a volunteer organization, we do not at present give remuneration for published work, but we will help our writers and photographers with press cards to cover events, and provide story ideas as news items present themselves.

TFJ publishes new articles and photos on a rotating basis depending on available material and timeliness of the submitted work.

To submit articles, photos and/or story ideas to TFJ , please read our submissions page. Please send all other enquiries to the Managing Editor, or contact us at the following address:

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