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WELCOME to the official web site of the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The ISE is the only securities exchange in Turkey. We are a dynamic and growing emerging market with an increasing number of publicly traded companies, state-of-the-art technology and strong foreign participation. The ISE provides a transparent and fair trading environment not only for domestic participants, but also for foreign issuers and investors. We hope that these pages will introduce our capabilities, as well as highlight the investment opportunities of the Turkish securities market. If you require further information, please contact us. Please also view our Chairman's Message. Thank you for your visit.
In ABOUT ISE, you will find general information on the ISE, including Organization, Rules & Regulations, International Recognitions & Memberships, History, Major Developments and Current Projects.
The MARKETS section introduces the major securities traded on the ISE. Take your pick amongst Stocks, Bonds & Bills, Repo, Real Estate Certificates and Foreign Securities Market.
DATA consists of market performance and volume information. This section provides historical figures and current data. You may view the most recent and historical figures of the ISE Markets as well as the capital increases and dividend payments of the companies traded on the Stock Market and many other facts and figures about the ISE.
INDICES section explains the calculation methodology for the Stock Market Indices and the ISE Government Debt Securities Indices.
COMPANIES provides current information on ISE traded companies. The section introduces Year Book of Companies, Public Offerings Realized between 1990-2005, Markets, Rules & Regulations.
MEMBERS provides information on ISE member companies. You may also learn about authorization of members by ISE and the Capital Markets Board, supervision of members and suspension or prohibition of trading activities.
FOREIGN PARTICIPATION provides portfolio investments in Turkey and includes comparative statistical information. Browse through Portfolio Investments and International Recognitions and Memberships.
In PUBLICATIONS & SERVICES, you will find a list of ISE Publications & Data Services and Data Vendors providing real time ISE information, as well as a list of Takasbank Publications & Services.
In CULTURAL ACTIVITIES, you will learn that the ISE does not merely provide an efficient securities trading environment, but it also endeavors to contribute to the cultural life in Turkey. Visit ISE and Art, Current Exhibition and Former Exhibitions.
TAKASBANK is the central securities depository of Turkey, providing settlement and custody services to investors and issuers.
The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS), is a non-profit, regional federation European Union and Asian Stock Exchanges headquartered in Istanbul. FEAS was established in 1995 at the initiation of the ISE. FEAS Data Center
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It is hereby announced that the Turkish and English website addresses of the Istanbul Stock Exchange are; www.imkb.gov.tr and www.ise.org respectively. Any similar addresses which may appear on the Internet have no direct or indirect relations with the Istanbul Stock Exchange.