United Arab Emirates Study & Guide - AllRefer
A Country Study: United Arab Emirates
Library of Congress Call Number DS247.A13 P47 1994
Please note: The current Country Study was previously in a multi-country volume. Chapter numbers reflect those used in the printed book.

* Persian Gulf States -- United Arab Emirates
* Foreword
* Acknowledgments
* Preface
* Introduction

* Chapter 1 - Historical Setting (William Smyth)
o Trade in the Gulf
o The Gulf in the Ancient World
o Early Development of Islam
+ Sunni Islam
+ Shia Islam
+ The Spread of Islam
o The Gulf in the Middle Ages
o The Age of Colonialism
o Wahhabi Islam and the Gulf
o Treaties with the British
o Discovery of Oil
o Independence
o Developments Since Independence
o Tribal Nature of Gulf Society

* Chapter 5 - United Arab Emirates (Eric Hooglund and Anthony Toth)
o Country Profile - Visit new updated Profile (PDF)
+ Country
+ Geography
+ Society
+ Economy
+ Transportation and Telecommunications
+ Government and Politics
+ National Security
o United Arab Emirates -- Geography
o United Arab Emirates -- Population
o United Arab Emirates -- Religion
o United Arab Emirates -- Education
o United Arab Emirates -- Status of Women
o United Arab Emirates -- Health and Welfare
o United Arab Emirates -- Economy
+ Oil and Natural Gas
# Abu Dhabi
# Dubayy
# Sharjah
# Other Amirates
+ Industry
# Dubayy
# Abu Dhabi
# The Northern Amirates
+ Electricity and Water
+ Labor
+ Transportation
+ Telecommunications
+ Agriculture and Forestry
+ Fishing
+ Banking and Finance
+ Budget
+ Trade
o United Arab Emirates -- Government and Politics
+ Executive and Legislative Branches
+ The Judiciary
+ Ruling Families
+ The Media
o United Arab Emirates -- Foreign Relations

* Chapter 7 - Regional and National Security Considerations (Jean R. Tartter)
o Historical Overview
+ Impact of the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88
+ Persian Gulf War, 1991
o Territorial Disputes
o Regional Security Problems
o Collective Security under the Gulf Cooperation Council
o Military Capabilities of the Persian Gulf States
o Kuwait
+ Background
+ Organization and Mission of the Forces
+ Role of Kuwaiti Armed Forces in the Persian Gulf War
+ Personnel, Training, and Recruitment
+ Internal Security
+ Police and the Criminal Justice System
+ Human Rights Practices
o Bahrain
+ Persian Gulf War
+ Internal Security
o Qatar
o United Arab Emirates
+ Background
+ Organization and Equipment
+ The Role of the United Arab Emirates in the Iran-Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War
+ Internal Security Problems
o Oman
+ Background
+ Mission of the Armed Forces
+ Organization and Equipment of the Armed Forces
+ Omani Role in the Persian Gulf War, 1991
+ Internal Security

* Appendix. Tables
* Bibliography
* Glossary
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