Vanuatu Independent
Vanuatu Independent
The Vanuatu Independent aims to provide independent and balanced news & information to the citizens and inhabitants of Vanuatu. In a small, geographically isolated country, it is easy for impartiality to be lost, accountability to be obscured, and corruption to hide. Our newspaper will keep people informed, aware and up to date on the issues of the day.
The newspaper is owned and published by The Independent Foundation, a non-profit organisation. Each week, the dedicated local team produce a 24-page newspaper which is electronically transmitted to New Zealand for printing, arriving back in the country in hard-copy form on Saturday morning. The newspaper is available for purchase Saturday afternoons and Sundays from many stores and strategically-sited paper sellers.
The paper can also be bought from roaming paper sellers in the early part of the week - they also visit most business offices in the Port Vila central business district.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 31 May 2006 )
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