Wanted in Roma
Wanted in Roma
If you are a registered user you can submit your advertising (classified and display) online, as well as put your events (what's on) on our website yourself. Registered users can also download a digital version of the magazine Wanted in Rome and access the online archives.
This website contains news about Rome, as well as cultural listings of exhibitions, music, dance, cinema and theatre in Rome and Italy. It also features classified advertisements for accommodation, apartments, property, jobs vacant, rentals and services in Rome. The Wanted in Rome offices, Via dei Falegnami 79, Rome are open 09.30-17.00 Mon-Fri. The next deadline for paid classified advertising is Wednesday 5 Nov at 13.30 in our office.. For advertising email: advertising@wantedinrome.com. For editorial email: editorial.
To subscribe the digital version you need to be a Registered user. Click here and follow the instructions.
Payment is required for the following categories:
accommodation: vacant in town, vacant out of town, exchanges, wanted, holidays
short lets bed and breakfast
property for sale in town property for sale out of town
IT and computers schools and colleges
travel services
jobs vacant
Prices for the above categories are: 15 euros (excluding IVA 20%) for up to 20 words and 5 euros (excluding IVA 20%) for every extra 20 words.
All other categories are free of charge if they are less than 20 words.
For information about advertising in the paper edition send an email to advertising@wantedinrome.com