Warsaw Business Journal
Warsaw Business Journal
About usWarsaw Business Journal is the leading international business publication in Poland. Published in English, it covers all aspects of business, law, real estate, economics and politics in all major cities in Poland.

Our website, WBJ Online, is designed as a "one-stop shop" for business information about Poland.

Since 1994, WBJ has been a reliable and important source of news and information for international investors, senior managers and businesspeople in every industry. Each week, WBJ provides readers with a full range of information, including a comprehensive review of the week's business, economic, and political news, as well as commentary on the stock markets, currency markets, law and politics.

A consistent hallmark of WBJ's coverage has been the objectivity of its reporting. Despite a dynamic and constantly changing political landscape, and frequent controversy at the intersection of politics and business, Warsaw Business Journal has maintained its steady course. Our readers and our advertisers both prize our reliable and unbiased weekly observations on developments in international business and in business in Poland.

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Valkea Media S.A.
Warsaw Business Journal
ul. Elblaska 15/17
01-747 Warsaw, Poland

Tel.: (48 22) 639-8567, 639-8568
Fax: (48 22) 639-8569
E-mail: wbj@wbj.pl

Publisher: Esko Kilpinen
Managing Director: Monika Stawicka
Editor-in-chief: Andrew Kureth
WBJ Sales & Advertising:
Advertising Executives: Agnieszka Brejwo, Katarzyna Pinkiewicz, Magda Sokolowska
Web Project Manager: Piotr Kobus

VALKEA MEDIA S.A. is located at ul. Elblaska 15/17, 01-747 Warsaw, registered under the number KRS0000033903 to the Register of Enterprises of the National Court Register (KRS), run by the Regional Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIX Economic Department of the KRS with the tax identification number (NIP) of 525-21-77-350 and an initial capital of z³.12,875,000.

VALKEA MEDIA S.A. z siedziba przy ulicy Elblaskiej 15/17, 01-747 Warszawa, wpisana pod numerem KRS0000033903 do Rejestru Przedsiêbiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego, prowadzonego przez Sad Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy, XIX Wydzia³ Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego o numerze identyfikacji podatkowej (NIP) 525-21-77-350 i kapitale zak³adowym w wysokosci 12 875 000 z³.
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