Warsaw Insider
Warsaw Insider

Capital living in Warsaw

What does Warsaw have to offer? If you read the Insider magazine, you will know the answer is: a lot.

The Insider is a comprehensive monthly guide to good living and fast times in Poland's capital. Entertainment, information, culture, travel, food and drink in a compact glossy magazine.

For almost ten years, we have been writing about Warsaw and have gained our reputation as the eyes and ears of the expat community.

Every month we feature:

great articles and special features
a daily calendar
movie listings and reviews
restaurant listings and reviews
bars, cafes, club listings and reviews
museums, galleries and exhibitions
community contacts
city map and street index

This city has grown up over the past few years and is only getting better, with some of the finest restaurants, clubs and entertainment in Central Europe. Read the Insider and discover what Warsaw has in store for you.

VALKEA MEDIA S.A. located at ul. Elbl¹ska 15/17, 01-747 Warsaw, registered under the number KRS0000291933 to the Register of Enterprises of the National Court Register (KRS), run by the Regional Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Economic Department of the KRS with the tax identification number (NIP) of 525-21-77-350- and the initial capital of z³.12,875,000.
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