What's On Kiev
What's On Kiev
WHATS ON is the leading informational English-language weekly magazine in Kyiv, covering culture and entertainment in the Ukrainian capital. WHATS ON reaches 40,000 readers every week, including English-speaking Ukrainians, expatriate residents and foreign visitors to Kyiv. Registered with the Ukrainian State Committee of Information, whiiicAH.Uaw «MM Policy, Television and Radio as license No.KV 10233 from 5.08.05. Issue #04/2007 359 (9) - 15 February 2007

Founder Telegraaf Magazines Ukraine' 04070, Kyiv, 14a Igorivska str.,
Publisher Telegraaf Magazines Ukraine', 04070, Kyiv, 14a Igorivska str.,
Chief Editor Andrey Slivka
Deputy Editor Nataliya Marianchyk
Staff Journalists Anatoli Artemenko, Anastasiya Skorina, Yulia Samus
Contributors Boleslav Malinovski, Cosmos Okigbo Ojukwu
Designer Alexey Karas
Photographers Maria Bykova, Roman Orel

© Copyright 2006. WHAT'S ON is founded ON, including name, concept, intellectual property of the publisher and are protected by international and Ukrainian copyright..... reproduction of any materials published in WHAT'S ON is allowed without the explicit written permission of the publishers. Views expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the publisher. No responsibility can be accepted for unsolicited materials. WHAT'S ON makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the published information, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances whatsoever should prices, addresses, dates, times or any other description be found to be inaccurate and this guide should be used solely on this understanding.


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