Windmill Herald
Windmill Herald
About Us
Welcome to the website
This website is a creation of Vanderheide Publishing Co. Ltd. We hope that you enjoy the plethra of information on all things Dutch including:

current and archived articles and features from the Dutch newspaper, the Windmill Herald
Dutch genealogy research and tips
a hand-picked book catalog with special attention to titles that are difficult to find
a comprehensive Dutch Business Directory full of businesses that serve the Dutch community in North America
More about Vanderheide Publishing Co. Ltd.
Vanderheide Publishing Co. Ltd. is dedicated to:

The dissemination of news and information about the Netherlands in particular and Dutch speaking Belgium as well as Europe in general on the pages of the Dutch-English biweekly newspaper, the Windmill Herald. Subscribe now!
Fostering identity and roots through the publication of articles on Dutch history and genealogy, and on the Dutch immigrant community in North America.
Helping entrepreneurs and businesses in reaching the North American Dutch communities. Advertise now!
Assisting Dutch notaries and law firms in tracing emigrants and their descendants who have become beneficiaries in estates.
Publishing and distributing books on Netherlandic interests.
Manufacturing, supplying and distributing decorative, custom-made and personalized Delft-style ceramic wall plaques commemorating births, graduations, weddings and anniversaries, and new homes. These plaques depict the stories of Netherlands/Dutch East Indies origins, as well as Dutch immigrant and passenger ships.
Publishing and distributing Reformed Christian literature.
Publishing and distributing several catalogues, including Dutch Heritage Pages and Speelman's Bookhouse.
Publishing this website.
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