Zimgreats Concept:

Zimgreats was born out of a desire to bring the Zimbabwean community in the Diaspora together. With more than five million Zimbabweans currently abroad, this news source sought to bridge the gap between home and the Diaspora. Zimgreats is with you in the best, bad news, interesting news, entertainment, politics and anything that puts Zimbabwe on the map.

It was born out of an idea by a former Zimbabwean journalist currently working in South Africa. "Since the polarisation of the Zimbabwean society, journalism ethics are at stake and under threat, with journalists becoming activists instead of what they were trained to do, so Zimgreats came out of that idea to preserve the way normal journalists would, making sure that Zimbabweans are enlightened from all angles," says Peter Moyo, founder and publisher of www.zimgreats.com.


Zimgreats is a self funded website with a special focus on editorial independence. It is self funded with a vision of one day making it into a bigger dream. It is registered and run from South Africa.

"If I had a choice I would have it registered in Zimbabwe but we all know that is impossible at the moment. We have a strict focus on editorial independence. We don't compromise on that. Even if we would find an investor one day, we would make sure that we put a clause in the contract which says we will not be forced or coerced to sing for our supper. In this day and age of insanity in the Zimbabwean media, we need to keep our cool and make sure that when this dispensation finally goes away, we can raise our heads high and Zimbabweans can continue to trust us as their first choice."


It was 3 July 2006 that www.zimgreats.com went live. It's still going strong, starting off at number 9 million in the world and now in the top 100 thousands.

"We had always wanted a website. Early ideas in 2003 didn't bear fruit. we tried with Henry Makiwa to come up with another website but it fizzled out in the early stages. So in 2006, a webmaster friend toyied with my ideas and before you know it, Zimgreats was born.

The future

Zimbabweans will decide the future of Zimgreats. Their reading trends will determine where this is going, whether it is worth it or not. We are happy to announce that at the present moment, thousands of Zimbabweans are bowled over, they want more and we are going to do just that. In the next year we hope to put a new milestone to our growth. We want every Zimbabwean to know us and be happy to share us with anyone. We want every whisper to to say, 'Did you know about this cool site called www.zimgreats.com?' And we want the reply to read, "Yah, asi you just found out recently? Unozviramba!" That will be Makwikwi.

How to take advantage of www.zimgreats.com:

When you register for free, you have the best chance of getting exclusive stories. Exclusive stories are usually posted in the registered section meaning that only those registered can read them.

The other advantages of registration is that you will be able to recieve our newsletter with top stories way ahead of anyone else.

Any questions, queries or comments, please write to us on: theeditor@zimgreats.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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