SANDRO MAGISTER was born on the feast of the Guardian Angels in 1943, in the town of Busto Arsizio in the archdiocese of Milan. The following day he was baptized into the Catholic Church. His wife’s name is Anna, and he has two daughters, Sara and Marta. He lives in Rome.

As a high school student, his first important reading initiatives involved the following titles:

– "I santi segni," by Romano Guardini;
– "Il mistero pasquale," by Louis Bouyer;
– "Bible et Liturgie," by Jean Daniélou;
– "Missarum Sollemnia," by Josef A. Jungmann;
– "De Sacramentis," and "De Mysteriis," by Saint Ambrose;
– "Catholicisme," by Henri De Lubac.

He studied theology, philosophy, and history at the Theological Faculty of Milan and at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. He received a theology degree in 1967.

He is a journalist, and writes for the magazine "L'espresso." He specializes in religious news, in particular on the Catholic Church and the Vatican.

He has written two books on the political history of the Italian Church: “La politica vaticana e l’Italia 1943-1978 [Vatican Politics and Italy 1943-1978],” Rome, 1979, and “Chiesa extraparlamentare. Il trionfo del pulpito [Extraparliamentary Church: The Triumph of the Pulpit],” Naples, 2001. He teaches courses on this topic at the University of Urbino.

He edited the volume "Omelie. L'anno liturgico narrato da Joseph Ratzinger, papa [Homilies. The Liturgical Year Narrated by Joseph Ratzinger, Pope]," published in 2008 by Libri Scheiwiller.

THE SITE WWW.CHIESA is his creation. Since the fall of 2002, all of its material has been published in both Italian and English. Since the autumn of 2006, it has also been available in French and Spanish.

The website reaches a vast and growing audience of readers: about half of them are in Italy, twenty percent in the United States, and the others spread all over the world, from Japan to Argentine, from South Africa to Sweden, from India to China.

For those who want to receive it, a Newsletter alerts readers to each new article, two or three times a week.

For Italian readers, there is also a blog with further news and commentary, entitled “Settimo Cielo [Seventh Heaven].”

Do you want to know how the American magazine of geopolitics “Foreign Policy,” in its edition for January-February 2006, reviewed www.chiesa and its creator?

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> The Pope’s Prognosticator

In his free time, Sandro Magister loves to ride his racing bike through Lazio, Tuscany, Sardinia, and the Alps.

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